Bernese Mountain Dogs


Bernese Mountain Dogs
Meeting the new family...
Future Show Dog?
What a face!
8 Weeks, the Homecoming
9 Weeks
11 Weeks Old
14 Weeks Old
4 Months Old
4 1/2 Months Old
Fun Page
Hiking Fun
Show Stuff
Contact Me

Bernese Mountain Dogs are wonderful companions, however they aren't for every family. They are a strong, large dog with lots of hair. They can really be a handful if not properly trained. Berners are sensitive dogs that want to please you, so training with a gentle hand is best. Here are some useful links on Bernese Mountain Dogs, everything from their origin, to the jobs they do, to their everyday antics! I especially recommend the clicker training sites. Enjoy! And feel free to contact me if you wish to have further information on this wonderful breed!

Peacefield Bernese, Cabot's breeder

Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Nashoba Valley

Bernese Mountain Dog Home Page at Hoflin

The AKC Standard for the Bernese Mountain Dog

Nooksack Racing Supply-great harnesses and skijoring equipment

The Clicker Keeper Pages

Dog Logic Obedience Articles-a great place to start with any dog!

Life is Complete if you Love a Dog!